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What Exactly is Rhinoplasty?

Close-Up Photography of a Woman
Rhinoplasty surgery, which is also known as a nose job, is a type of surgery that is performed to reshape the nose. It is a very popular procedure to help build up a person's opinion of themselves or is used to balance the persons face and to help with breathing issues they may suffer from. You can either reduce or enhance the shape of your nose which you can consult about with a rhinoplasty surgeon. Here is where you initially discuss what your ideas are and to see if it will satisfy your expectations. The surgeon will answer any questions you may have and re-assure you of the procedure from start to finish.
The cost of rhinoplasty surgery will vary depending on what you are looking for. Each individual procedure is unique as everyone will have different expectations as to what they want to achieve with nose reshaping surgery. When inquiring you would need to ask what is covered in the cost such as anesthesia, surgical costs, etc. These can cause the fees to increase if not originally covered in the price you were quoted. You can also ask about financing as not everyone can pay for the costs up front. There are a few options such as no interest plans, and long and short-term plans which most doctors will offer.
With regards to the procedure, there are two types of techniques of rhinoplasty which are known as the open technique or the closed technique. The difference between them is the closed technique involves an incision made inside the nostril and the open technique involved a second incision between the nostrils. The bone and cartilage of the nose are then reshaped to the desired design that would have been discussed between the surgeon and yourself. The cosmetic surgeon would then stitch the skin back into place to complete the procedure.
Cosmetic nose surgery normally takes between one and two hours under a local or general anesthesia. The procedure will cause bruising and swelling around the nose and eyes but this will normally start to subside three days after surgery. There will also be minimal scarring which is normally unnoticeable. However, most people who have rhinoplasty surgery return to work after about two weeks once the bruising and swelling has had time to disappear.
In the Philippines, Rhinoplasty is now a common surgery for all sexes. That is why more and more surgeons are putting up their own clinics. But be careful in choosing a surgeon. You have to make sure that it is a board-certified plastic surgeon and has a solid credibility in Rhinoplasty. Check for before and after photos.
One of the best Surgeons in the Philippines is Dr. James B. Joaquino. He is a  board-certified plastic surgeon and a plastic surgeon for the stars. He is the owner of Newlife Aesthetic Plastic Surgery-Philippines finest surgery center. His contact number is +63918-911-5155, you can message him thru SMS, call or Viber. Visit his Instagram account @newlifeaesthetic and his Facebook account /NewlifeAestheticPlasticSurgery

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